Amaeth | Agriculture

Amaeth | Agriculture
Heddiw, ceir economi amaeth cymysg yng ngolgledd Sir Benfro a Thremarchog. Ceir cynhyrchwyr llaeth yn yr ardal o hyd, rhai gyda rhifoedd sylweddol o dda godro (600 i 800), eraill ar raddfa lai (250 i 500). Mae dwy fferm yn defnyddio dulliau organig. Yn ogystal mae nifer sylweddol o ddefaid, gwartheg stor ac eidion ac hefyd cnydau grawn a thato yn cael eu tyfu ar gyfer eu marchnata drwy’r flwyddyn.
Today, the north Pembrokeshire area and St. Nicholas has a mixed farming economy. There are still milk producers in the area, some with substantial numbers of dairy cows (600 to 800), others at a lower level, 250 to 500 head of dairy cows. 2 dairy farms use organic production methods. In addition there are substantial numbers of sheep, store and beef cattle, together with cereal crops and potatoes grown to be marketed all through the year.