Melin Felindre Mill

Yn 1986, gwireddwyd breuddwyd i Mr Stephen Harries, Felindre. Trwy waith caled a dyfalbarhâd, llwyddodd i adfer yr hen felin ger ei gartref fel ei bod cystal â newydd. Cafodd y felin ei hadeiladu yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar ddeg. Daeth Catrin Beard a chriw ffilmio ‘Hel Straeon’ i Felindre i adrodd yr hanes. (Mae’r erthygl papur newydd yn dod o’r Llien Gwyn.)
In 1986, a dream came true for Mr Stephen Harries, Felindre. Through hard work and perseverance, he managed to restore the old mill near his home so that it was as good as new. The mill was built in the fourteenth century. Catrin Beard and the S4C ‘Hel Straeon’ film crew came to Felindre to record the story. (The newspaper cutting above comes from the local Welsh newspaper ‘Y Llien Gwyn’. It explains that Mrs Harries would use flour processed at the mill to bake bread for the family)